Home Decor Markets2025 Atlanta Winter Market
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2025 Atlanta Winter Market

January 14, 2025

Atlanta Winter Market kicks off today and we hope we’ll be seeing all the familiar faces entering our showroom in the Americasmart Building 1, Suite L3, sometime between January 14 and 20. If you stop by, we’ll be at the ready to show off our newest introductions and welcome you for two events we’re excited to announce.

Atlanta Winter Market Events
Stop by to see all of these new (and so many tried-and-true) Currey & Company offerings during Atlanta Winter Market.
Stop by to see all of these new (and so many tried-and-true) Currey & Company offerings during Atlanta Winter Market.

On January 14 from 6 to 8 p.m., we will host “Party with a Purpose” that will benefit a Gift For Life’s Home VS Hunger efforts. Tickets can be preordered [at which time you can also rsvp] and they will be available at the door for a minimum donation of $20 per person. The funds go toward such a great cause, as they will support the crisis-related hunger relief efforts by World Central Kitchen. We’d like to offer our heartfelt congratulations to José Andrés, the founder of World Central Kitchen, for being awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom on January 4, 2025, an honor that is so well deserved. If you’re not attending Market, you can donate to the Home VS Hunger efforts online.

Russ Jones, one of our superheroes who also happens to be one of our reps, spearheads Gift for Life’s Home vs Hunger effort.
Russ Jones, one of our superheroes who also happens to be one of our reps, spearheads Gift for Life’s Home vs Hunger effort.

Russ Jones, the chair of Gift for Life’s Home vs Hunger team, told the editors of Home News Now, “We are incredibly grateful for the ongoing support of our industry and partners. The success of our High Point events, which raised over $47,000 in 2024, demonstrates the power of coming together to support a global cause. We’re excited to continue that momentum at Atlanta Market, when we unite again to support WCK’s important work feeding communities impacted by crisis.” Sarah Mount, the chair of Gift for Life told Home News Now, “We are building on the remarkable success of Home vs Hunger in High Point to continue to raise funds for hunger relief. The Atlanta event offers a chance to expand our reach and make an even greater impact. We invite the industry to join us for an evening of fun and fundraising.” During the “Party with a Purpose” we’ll be serving wine and beer, and delicious bites.

T. Gigi Davis will bring her incredible art to the Currey & Company showroom during Atlanta Winter Market, the artist shown with her paintings and one the streets of Paris.
T. Gigi Davis will bring her incredible art to the Currey & Company showroom during Atlanta Winter Market, the artist shown with her paintings and one the streets of Paris.

The second event we are thrilled to share is a “Springtime in Paris Art Pop-Up” from January 14 through 18. From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day, we will be hosting T. Gigi Davis who is bringing an array of her art to our showroom—a wonderful selection of pieces that will be for sale. If you’ve never met Gigi, you’re in for a treat, as art infuses her DNA! From her earliest moments, she was always creating in an array of disciplines that include design, drawing, painting, photography, textiles, and ceramics. A deep appreciation for the arts drives her, as does a fascination with the human form that dates back to her time in art and design school.

Several years ago, Gigi decided to undertake art training in Paris and has been experiencing stints in studios ever since, residing in the City of Lights for periods of time to immerse herself in the sophisticated aesthetics for which the French are renowned. Many of her newest pieces that will be for sale during Market were realized in the ateliers in which she studies under notable art instructors alongside other artists from around the world. Davis says, “I’m grateful and honored to be partnering with Currey for our pop-up and I look forward to meeting all of you!”

Hope to See You Downtown!

Given these two events help us make a positive impact in the world and allow us to relish the beauty of art—all while debuting new products—this Atlanta Winter Market will brighten the spirits as we waft into this brand-new year. We hope to see you as we begin to make 2024 memorable!

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